Monday, January 25, 2010

oh, by the way, I'm...

I suppose I should introduce myself, or something? Is there some sort of "blog etiquette" I should be following? Forgive my rudeness and please give me the benefit of the doubt, due to my inexperience. After writing that last internal-monologue "starting" post, I realized that it might be prudent to at least talk a little bit about myself. It might help to understand where I'm coming from, where I might be headed and, of course, identify some of my various idiosyncrasies.

Well, Augustina Goldschmidt is not my real name, but you probably already knew that - it was a name incorrectly ascribed to me once and I rather liked it. I've held on to it for occasions like these; it's oddly fitting, really. I could see myself as an "Augustina." For my classmates reading this, since you know my real name, think about it for a minute, and please appreciate this hilarious permutation.

I'm 20 years old, I'm a college sophomore at Bryn Mawr (although please don't take my opinions, thoughts, ideas, etc. to represent the entirety of the college.../disclaimer) and... my favorite color is green? Yeah, I don't know how to write this all of this eloquently, so...

Some (un)important things you might care to know about me, in bullet form:

- I'm a double English/Psychology major.

- I'm an only child, and I have pretty awesome parents. I also have 4 cats and a dog. I swear, we didn't mean for that to happen. We just... kind of accidentally collect animals.

- I play rugby and although I'm not very good at it, I love my teammates and have a lot of fun playing the game and just hanging out with all of them.

- I work at an animal shelter during summers/winters, when I'm not away at school. (I started volunteering originally when I was 11 years old, but I'll probably address all of that later. I actually have an entire post idea in mind... clearly this "blog" thing is taking hold of me...)

- I have a deep loathing and fear of black & white movies. (I know, it's weird... don't worry about it)

- Although I see myself as being very "career" focused (that is, once I figure out what I'm actually doing with my life - "Nursing! Law! Psychology! Oh hell, I just don't know..."), I am also ecstatic about the idea of having a family.

- I love to sleep, but unfortunately am alternately too good at it (17 hours straight on Sundays occasionally, anyone?) and terrible at it (I just won't do it, if I have more important things to do with that time); consequently, I have to set two alarms to make sure that I get up in the morning.

- This blog title came from a New Year's rendition of "dirty Mad Libs." It was hilarious (and one of the few "mentionable-in-polite-company" gems from that particular segment of the night), and I just needed a use for it. A Facebook status did not seem to do it justice, so I seized this opportunity to immortalize it forever... or, at least until the semester is over.

- When I was about 9 years old, I got my entire camp group kicked out of an art class. By using a single word. (No, it did not have four letters!) I swear, I didn't mean to, but it was kind of one of the greatest things ever and might be among my favorite childhood memories.

Aaaaand, that's about all I have for now. Until next time.

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