Saturday, May 1, 2010

the end of an era

Today, I started writing this:

So, I'm writing my final blog post from some patch of Haverford green, on actual paper. The last 48 hours have held a lot of "lasts:" last class as a sophomore (not nearly as epic as "last class as an undergrad" that so many of my friends have been claiming lately, but whatever - it's a milestone to me), last rugby game of the season, last "assignment-and-no-finals-don't-count," last Tradition with the class of 2010. By the time I copy this to the blog, I will probably change most, if not all of it.

And then it abruptly ends. Aha. Predictably, I am terrible at writing things down on paper. I'm too self-conscious, I love the quickness of typing, it feels so final and real... I just prefer computers, now that I'm so adjusted to them.

Anyway, today was fun, but exhausting. Prom Dress rugby was in the morning, which was actually somewhat of a disappointment, because we lost - to Drexel. It's really nothing against Drexel, but I remember playing them last year, and I remember playing Kutztown last game and... wow. I don't know what happened to us. (And "us" definitely includes me as well, because I really didn't feel as though I played well today.) Maybe we got a little overconfident, since they're a D4 team (we're D2), and we beat them every year. Maybe we didn't take things as seriously as we usually do - people didn't show up to practice a lot this week and I'm pretty sure there were some, ah, parties on campus to go to last night. Maybe we're all just exhausted from finals and the oppressive heat we were playing in just took whatever little we had left to give that game.

Either way, it was a little bit of a sad note to go out on. For my part, I felt like I was just not moving very quickly. (And I'm actually kind of a slow runner to begin with, so losing speed for me is really not ok.) During Friday's practice, I felt that way too, but I was hoping it was just the fact that I was so tired, plus the fact that I think I did something to my leg on Wednesday practice, and it was bothering me when I ran. But I don't know. I was slow, I got tired quickly, and I just wasn't as determined as I usually am. I'm disappointed, but I think we were all having the same off-day together. (It also probably didn't help that the scrum collapsed on me three times, the last of those bending my neck at a really unacceptable angle for necks to bend.)

But it was really great to see a bunch of alums at the match, and play with them in the (albeit brief; very brief) alumni match afterward. JW was there, much to my great joy. And some others that I played with, as well - LKR, LG, DE. And a few that I never played with, but heard epic stories about as a freshman.

I spent the rest of the day at Haverford (designated-driving friends around), which reminded me once again of how I need to spend more time there. As I keep telling people, it's a vicious cycle - I'm all "Oh, I should go to Haverford." "But wait - I don't really know many people there and it might be awkward." And why don't I know people there? Because I'm not there very often! I really need to work on this, because I've really liked all of the Haverfordians I've met so far, and would probably like more, were I to meet them.

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